Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Passion

Since its hard for me to find one particular issue, product, place, or association (etc.) that I am passionate about, I decided that our local Animal Protective League would appreciate my free advertisement. I am an animal lover and in particular care so much about the canine family!

I am an owner of a miniature dachshund named Tootsie and a Basset/Pointer named Annabelle. Annie came from our local APL and has been happy ever since.

The Animal Protective League of Springfield, IL is located on the north end of town on Taintor Road. They are a not-for-profit organization that runs solely off of donations. They are a clinic that helps stray and injured animals who cannot help themselves. They are a no-kill organization. They are always in need of volunteers to help keep the place up and running and are open to donations at all times. If you or anyone you know is interested in helping out they can be contacted by calling 217-544-PETS.

Thanks For Stopping By!

My Very First Blog EVER!

Well I am happy to announce this is the first time I have ever "blogged." I'm not quite sure how it feels; don't know what I have been missing out on yet. I am still trying to think of one thing in particular that I am purely passionate about. It'll come to me...I hope.